Summer Winos – LIVE!

Hambledon Productions Proudly Present
Two Men, Two Hundred and Ninety-Five Episodes, One Obsession…
Click here to view the trailer
When does a fondness for a TV show become an obsession? Andrew and Bob’s gentle love of Last of the Summer Wine quickly become a quest to watch all 295 episodes. In order. While visiting locations. Making films. Meeting the cast. Boozing with the writer. And, ultimately, turning their passion into a show. But they’re not obsessed. Are they?
Seven years after embarking on the ‘Summer Winos’ quest, Andrew and Bob take to the stage to explain just how Last of the Summer Wine has taken over their lives, and what YOU can learn and love from the world’s longest-running sitcom!
There will be dressing up, audience participation, overly-earnest reminiscing, and – brace yourself – kazoos*. The show, which played to hundreds of appreciative fans at this year’s Edinburgh Fringe Festival, is the finest appreciation of a national institution.
*Bath not included.
Click here to view the trailer
This production toured March – July 2019 and is set to return in 2020.